Monday, May 3, 2010

Monday Matters...

...using a knife without cutting herself, and other things...
I don't know how many of you watched Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution, this spring, but let me tell you, it's just another reason to homeschool. School cafeteria food is gross, but when I found out that elementary school kids are no longer allowed to have knives I couldn't believe it. Who ever came up with the idea of waiting till kids are in middle school to learn how to use a knife is a complete moron. I mean no wonder our kids weigh over 100 pounds in elementary school. Of course you are going to get fat if all you eat is finger foods!!! Now we are not talking about sharp knives, just butter knives, plastic butter knives. Seriously, if you kindergartner can't use a butter knife, same on you. My 4 year old not only uses them, she puts them up in the drawer after they are cleaned.

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